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Substrate at FOSDEM 2019

· One min read
Shawn Tabrizi
Software Engineer

I had the amazing opportunity to speak about Substrate at the Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM).

In my talk, I talk about:

  • The basics of blockchains and blockchain development
  • Parity's history building blockchains
  • How Substrate came to be as a result of building the Polkadot Network
  • The basics of Substrate
  • The value of Rust and Wasm as next generation tools to build Substrate
  • How these same tools enable forkless runtime upgrades
  • A live demo of a forkless runtime upgrade
  • How you can learn to develop on Substrate using the Substrate Kitties Workshop

You can check out the full talk on my YouTube channel:

I still need to work on public speaking: being clear, talking slowly, and not getting too nervous. I hope that I can continue to speak about Substrate and not only spread word about this awesome technology we are developing, but also to work on these skills.

You can find my slides on the FOSDEM site.