Executing Blocks

We will now start the process to replace the simple block simulation in our main function with a proper block execution pipeline.

Execute Block

We have introduced a new function to our Runtime called fn execute_block.

The steps of this function is exactly the same as our current main function, but using the concrete Block type we defined to extract details like the expected block number and the extrinsics that we want to execute.

Iterating Over a Vector

In order to build our execute_block function, we will need to iterate over all the extrinsics in our block, and dispatch those calls. In rust, the common way to access the elements of a vector is to turn it into an iterator.

There are two functions used for turning a vector into an interator, iter and into_iter, and their difference lies in ownership:

  • iter: This method creates an iterator that borrows each element from the vector, allowing you to read the values without taking ownership. It's useful when you want to iterate over the vector while keeping it intact.

  • into_iter: This method consumes the vector, transferring ownership of each element to the iterator. It's handy when you want to move or transfer ownership of the vector's elements to another part of your code. After using into_iter, the original vector can't be used anymore, as ownership has been transferred.

In our context, we want to use into_iter(), so you will get something that looks like:

fn main() {
for support::Extrinsic { caller, call } in block.extrinsics.into_iter() {
	// do stuff with `caller` and `call`

Here you can see we also do a trick to separate out the fields of the Extrinsic in a single line, since ultimately we want to work with caller and call. You can of course break this process up into multiple lines if you want.

Dispatching a Call

Once we have the call and caller, what should we do with them?

This is where the Dispatch trait starts to come into play. You will see in our template, we included the shell of an unimplemented() fn dispatch. We will write this logic in the next step, but we need to already use the dispatch function in our execute_block logic.

Once we have the call and caller, we want to pass them to the dispatch logic, which you see is implemented on the Runtime.

That will look something like:

fn main() {
let _res = self.dispatch(caller, call).map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e));

Note that in Rust, if you want to access a function within a trait, like we do here with dispatch, you need to explicitly import that trait into your project.

We left a TODO at the top of main.rs where we ask you to import crate::support::Dispatch, which will allow you access to calling dispatch on Runtime.

Better Error Messages

Since this is a more permanent function of our project, it also makes sense to expand the message being printed when there are extrinsic errors. For example:

fn main() {
	"Extrinsic Error\n\tBlock Number: {}\n\tExtrinsic Number: {}\n\tError: {}",
	block.header.block_number, i, e

This allows you to see the block number, extrinsic number, and the error message whenever there is an extrinsic error. This can be very helpful when you have many blocks being imported each with potentially many extrinsics.

To get the extrinsic number i, use you chain the enumerate() function after the into_iter().

Build Your Execute Block Function

You should now have all the tools and information needed to successfully write your execute_block function.

Follow the TODOs provided by the template, and make sure to include the impl crate::support::Dispatch for Runtime that we provided for you, and that we will implement in the next steps.

Your code should still compile with some "never constructed/used" warnings.

mod balances;
mod support;
mod system;

/* TODO: Import `crate::support::Dispatch` so that you can access the `dispatch` function. */

// These are the concrete types we will use in our simple state machine.
// Modules are configured for these types directly, and they satisfy all of our
// trait requirements.
mod types {
	pub type AccountId = String;
	pub type Balance = u128;
	pub type BlockNumber = u32;
	pub type Nonce = u32;
	pub type Extrinsic = crate::support::Extrinsic<AccountId, crate::RuntimeCall>;
	pub type Header = crate::support::Header<BlockNumber>;
	pub type Block = crate::support::Block<Header, Extrinsic>;

// These are all the calls which are exposed to the world.
// Note that it is just an accumulation of the calls exposed by each module.
pub enum RuntimeCall {
	// TODO: Not implemented yet.

// This is our main Runtime.
// It accumulates all of the different pallets we want to use.
pub struct Runtime {
	system: system::Pallet<Self>,
	balances: balances::Pallet<Self>,

impl system::Config for Runtime {
	type AccountId = types::AccountId;
	type BlockNumber = types::BlockNumber;
	type Nonce = types::Nonce;

impl balances::Config for Runtime {
	type Balance = types::Balance;

impl Runtime {
	// Create a new instance of the main Runtime, by creating a new instance of each pallet.
	fn new() -> Self {
		Self { system: system::Pallet::new(), balances: balances::Pallet::new() }

	// Execute a block of extrinsics. Increments the block number.
	fn execute_block(&mut self, block: types::Block) -> support::DispatchResult {
		/* TODO:
			- Increment the system's block number.
			- Check that the block number of the incoming block matches the current block number,
			  or return an error.
			- Iterate over the extrinsics in the block...
				- Increment the nonce of the caller.
				- Dispatch the extrinsic using the `caller` and the `call` contained in the extrinsic.
				- Handle errors from `dispatch` same as we did for individual calls: printing any
				  error and capturing the result.
				- You can extend the error message to include information like the block number and
				  extrinsic number.

impl crate::support::Dispatch for Runtime {
	type Caller = <Runtime as system::Config>::AccountId;
	type Call = RuntimeCall;
	// Dispatch a call on behalf of a caller. Increments the caller's nonce.
	// Dispatch allows us to identify which underlying module call we want to execute.
	// Note that we extract the `caller` from the extrinsic, and use that information
	// to determine who we are executing the call on behalf of.
	fn dispatch(
		&mut self,
		caller: Self::Caller,
		runtime_call: Self::Call,
	) -> support::DispatchResult {

fn main() {
	let mut runtime = Runtime::new();
	let alice = "alice".to_string();
	let bob = "bob".to_string();
	let charlie = "charlie".to_string();

	runtime.balances.set_balance(&alice, 100);

	// start emulating a block
	assert_eq!(runtime.system.block_number(), 1);

	// first transaction
	let _res = runtime
		.transfer(alice.clone(), bob, 30)
		.map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e));

	// second transaction
	let _res = runtime.balances.transfer(alice, charlie, 20).map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e));

	println!("{:#?}", runtime);
mod balances;
mod support;
mod system;

use crate::support::Dispatch;

// These are the concrete types we will use in our simple state machine.
// Modules are configured for these types directly, and they satisfy all of our
// trait requirements.
mod types {
	pub type AccountId = String;
	pub type Balance = u128;
	pub type BlockNumber = u32;
	pub type Nonce = u32;
	pub type Extrinsic = crate::support::Extrinsic<AccountId, crate::RuntimeCall>;
	pub type Header = crate::support::Header<BlockNumber>;
	pub type Block = crate::support::Block<Header, Extrinsic>;

// These are all the calls which are exposed to the world.
// Note that it is just an accumulation of the calls exposed by each module.
pub enum RuntimeCall {
	// TODO: Not implemented yet.

// This is our main Runtime.
// It accumulates all of the different pallets we want to use.
pub struct Runtime {
	system: system::Pallet<Self>,
	balances: balances::Pallet<Self>,

impl system::Config for Runtime {
	type AccountId = types::AccountId;
	type BlockNumber = types::BlockNumber;
	type Nonce = types::Nonce;

impl balances::Config for Runtime {
	type Balance = types::Balance;

impl Runtime {
	// Create a new instance of the main Runtime, by creating a new instance of each pallet.
	fn new() -> Self {
		Self { system: system::Pallet::new(), balances: balances::Pallet::new() }

	// Execute a block of extrinsics. Increments the block number.
	fn execute_block(&mut self, block: types::Block) -> support::DispatchResult {
		if block.header.block_number != self.system.block_number() {
			return Err("block number does not match what is expected")
		// An extrinsic error is not enough to trigger the block to be invalid. We capture the
		// result, and emit an error message if one is emitted.
		for (i, support::Extrinsic { caller, call }) in block.extrinsics.into_iter().enumerate() {
			let _res = self.dispatch(caller, call).map_err(|e| {
					"Extrinsic Error\n\tBlock Number: {}\n\tExtrinsic Number: {}\n\tError: {}",
					block.header.block_number, i, e

impl crate::support::Dispatch for Runtime {
	type Caller = <Runtime as system::Config>::AccountId;
	type Call = RuntimeCall;
	// Dispatch a call on behalf of a caller. Increments the caller's nonce.
	// Dispatch allows us to identify which underlying module call we want to execute.
	// Note that we extract the `caller` from the extrinsic, and use that information
	// to determine who we are executing the call on behalf of.
	fn dispatch(
		&mut self,
		caller: Self::Caller,
		runtime_call: Self::Call,
	) -> support::DispatchResult {

fn main() {
	let mut runtime = Runtime::new();
	let alice = "alice".to_string();
	let bob = "bob".to_string();
	let charlie = "charlie".to_string();

	runtime.balances.set_balance(&alice, 100);

	// start emulating a block
	assert_eq!(runtime.system.block_number(), 1);

	// first transaction
	let _res = runtime
		.transfer(alice.clone(), bob, 30)
		.map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e));

	// second transaction
	let _res = runtime.balances.transfer(alice, charlie, 20).map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e));

	println!("{:#?}", runtime);
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 5b6e139c..2d9c38bb 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ mod balances;
 mod support;
 mod system;
+/* TODO: Import `crate::support::Dispatch` so that you can access the `dispatch` function. */
 // These are the concrete types we will use in our simple state machine.
 // Modules are configured for these types directly, and they satisfy all of our
 // trait requirements.
@@ -44,6 +46,40 @@ impl Runtime {
 	fn new() -> Self {
 		Self { system: system::Pallet::new(), balances: balances::Pallet::new() }
+	// Execute a block of extrinsics. Increments the block number.
+	fn execute_block(&mut self, block: types::Block) -> support::DispatchResult {
+		/* TODO:
+			- Increment the system's block number.
+			- Check that the block number of the incoming block matches the current block number,
+			  or return an error.
+			- Iterate over the extrinsics in the block...
+				- Increment the nonce of the caller.
+				- Dispatch the extrinsic using the `caller` and the `call` contained in the extrinsic.
+				- Handle errors from `dispatch` same as we did for individual calls: printing any
+				  error and capturing the result.
+				- You can extend the error message to include information like the block number and
+				  extrinsic number.
+		*/
+		Ok(())
+	}
+impl crate::support::Dispatch for Runtime {
+	type Caller = <Runtime as system::Config>::AccountId;
+	type Call = RuntimeCall;
+	// Dispatch a call on behalf of a caller. Increments the caller's nonce.
+	//
+	// Dispatch allows us to identify which underlying module call we want to execute.
+	// Note that we extract the `caller` from the extrinsic, and use that information
+	// to determine who we are executing the call on behalf of.
+	fn dispatch(
+		&mut self,
+		caller: Self::Caller,
+		runtime_call: Self::Call,
+	) -> support::DispatchResult {
+		unimplemented!();
+	}
 fn main() {
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 2d9c38bb..537d6072 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ mod balances;
 mod support;
 mod system;
-/* TODO: Import `crate::support::Dispatch` so that you can access the `dispatch` function. */
+use crate::support::Dispatch;
 // These are the concrete types we will use in our simple state machine.
 // Modules are configured for these types directly, and they satisfy all of our
@@ -49,18 +49,21 @@ impl Runtime {
 	// Execute a block of extrinsics. Increments the block number.
 	fn execute_block(&mut self, block: types::Block) -> support::DispatchResult {
-		/* TODO:
-			- Increment the system's block number.
-			- Check that the block number of the incoming block matches the current block number,
-			  or return an error.
-			- Iterate over the extrinsics in the block...
-				- Increment the nonce of the caller.
-				- Dispatch the extrinsic using the `caller` and the `call` contained in the extrinsic.
-				- Handle errors from `dispatch` same as we did for individual calls: printing any
-				  error and capturing the result.
-				- You can extend the error message to include information like the block number and
-				  extrinsic number.
-		*/
+		self.system.inc_block_number();
+		if block.header.block_number != self.system.block_number() {
+			return Err("block number does not match what is expected")
+		}
+		// An extrinsic error is not enough to trigger the block to be invalid. We capture the
+		// result, and emit an error message if one is emitted.
+		for (i, support::Extrinsic { caller, call }) in block.extrinsics.into_iter().enumerate() {
+			self.system.inc_nonce(&caller);
+			let _res = self.dispatch(caller, call).map_err(|e| {
+				eprintln!(
+					"Extrinsic Error\n\tBlock Number: {}\n\tExtrinsic Number: {}\n\tError: {}",
+					block.header.block_number, i, e
+				)
+			});
+		}